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Furnace Maintenance – Change the Filter!

By February 2, 2017April 2nd, 2018Property Repairs & Maintenance

Costly repairs to your furnace may be avoided by regularly changing your furnace filter. Furnace filters are designed to protect the blower motor from dirt. If you don’t change the filter, lack of airflow may cause your furnace to overheat and shut down. To determine if your furnace filter is dirty, remove it and hold it up to the light. If you can no longer see light, it is time to change the filter. The image below illustrates what a new, clean filter looks like compared to one that is very dirty! We recommend checking your filter once a month. You will extend the life of your furnace, save money on your utility bills, and get more efficient heating when you regularly change the furnace filter.


Change your Furnace Filter!

Change your Furnace Filter!